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Softball is one of the most popular outdoor team sports in the United States. Millions of adult men and women form teams that play in local leagues every weekend all over the country.
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The game is popular with teen-aged boys and girls, too. Not surprisingly, it is also a major varsity sport for females in colleges and universities in all fifty states. However, there is one thing that sets this game apart from all others. Simply stated, it is funny softball team names.
“Catchy” Team Names Add An Element Of Fun To Softball
If you’re an American citizen, you know all about professional baseball, a game played by talented athletes and watched by millions and millions of fans on TV and at ballparks. The skill of the players is noteworthy and games are often exciting. But the sport is played by athletes who are paid huge amounts of money. It’s a serious business as much as it is a sport and there is little room for humor in the way teams are named.
Softball is different. This game is played by amateurs “for the love of competition.” And, unlike professional baseball, i t is all about having fun. Of course, the games differ in the way they’re played, as well.
While baseball requires a pitcher to throw the ball to the catcher using an overhand motion, softball requires a pitcher to throw the ball underhanded. Additionally, a softball is much larger than a baseball. Softballs are, in fact, roughly the size of grapefruits. And when hit, they don’t travel as far. That’s why softball fields are generally much smaller than baseball fields.
There is one more key difference. Girls don’t play baseball, they only play softball. And they generally perform at a very high level. And yet, team names for softball squads can, and often are, “over the top.” But, as noted earlier, that’s part of what makes this sport entertaining and enjoyable – for players and spectators.
Top 10 Funny Softball Team Names for Girls
There are many more girls’ softball teams than there are teams for men (they play in weekend “beer” leagues) or pre-teen and teen-aged boys. That’s because males overwhelmingly prefer to play baseball, the sport that requires overhand pitching.
So, it should come as no surprise that there are many more very funny team names for girls’ softball teams than for men or boys teams.
Here is a “short list” of some of the very best funny softball team names for girls …
- Aces of Bases
- Alcoballics
- Attention Deficit
- Bar Be Eyes
- Bat-Busted
- Curvy Crushers
- Dirty Ball Bags
- Disciples of the Plate
- Fever Pitch
- Hit for Brains
Here Are More Memorable – And Funny – Girls’ Softball Team Names
- Holligans
- Home Run Heroes
- Ice Cold Pitchers
- Inferno
- Lab Monkeys
- Lady Rangers
- Lady Tigers
- Master Batters
- Poppin’ A Homer
- Rat Busters
- Red Balls
- Silver Bullets
- Swing and Miss
- The Bomb Squad
- The Swinging Shepherds
- Abusement Park
- Alley Oops
- Amazons
- Angry Chicks
- Backdoor Sliders
- Bad Intentions
- Ball Busters
- Banshees
- Base Desires
- Bat Rage
- Bitchy and Bossy
- Blood Bath & Beyond
- Blue Ballers
- Catty
- Chaos Chicas
- Chaw ‘Nuff
- Chick Music
- Cleats and Cleavage
- Cuties From the Block
- Diamonds and Tiaras
- Diamond Divas
- Dirt Eaters
- Disco Ninjas
- Farmer’s Daughters
- Divas, Achievas, Believas
- Fast Girls
- Glove Love
- Hot Squad
- Hoochies
- Hustlers
- Infield Diamonds
- Killers Dolls
- Leather and Lace
- Mean Girls
- Mound Mermainds
- Multiple Scoregasms
- Naughty Girls
- Nice Snatch
- Pink Sox
- Pitch Slap
- Ponytail Express
- Princesses
- Queen Bees
- Salsa Girls
- Sugar and Spice
- Summer Girls
- Sweet Spot
- Swingers
- Swingin’ Singles
- The Breaking Balls
- The Grass Stains
- The Wet Wedgies
- Thunder Bunnies
- Tomboys
- The Y-Nots
- Vicious and Delicious
- Victorious Secret
- Voodoo Dolls
- Weakened Warriors
- Whole Enchilada
Top 10 Funniest Men’s Softball Team Names
Of course, men also play softball, both slow pitch and fast pitch. And, like their female counterparts, they, too, have very funny team names.
- Sons of Pitches
- Big Test Icicles
- Quit Your Pitching
- Saved by the Balls
- Inglorious Batters
- Where my Pitches at?
- Yank-Deez
- Balk Out
- Thunder Down Under
- Balls Deep
More amusing Team Names for Guys

- Team No-Glove, No-Love
- I’d Hit That
- Pitches Be Crazy
- The Odd Sox
- Broke-bat Mountain
- Balls to the Wall and Pitch Stays
Top 11 Coed Funny Softball Team Names
Finally, because this sport is so popular in the USA, there are even funny coed names, Team names that are appropriate for males and females. Here is what I call “unisex” team names …
- Scared Hitless
- The Soft Serves
- One Hit Wonders
- Bad Attitudes
- The Beer View Mirrors
- The Fighting Amish
- Chickson Dix
- Caught Looking
- Smolkin’ Bases
- Walk-off Warriors
- Home Run Heroes
Clearly, softball is a sport with vast appeal to men, women, boys and girls. And because it is all about “having fun,” team names are often hilarious.
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