How To Become A Baseball Scout

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If you think you have the skill set needed to spot top baseball talent when you watch high school and college players perform, I’ve got good news to share. You may be the kind of person who can work for a Major League organization as a professional Baseball Scout. And if that kind of work interests you, I have even better news. This article tells you “how to become a Baseball Scout.

In truth, it’s not an easy goal to accomplish. It’s going to take hard work and dedication. And if all goes well, you may have to learn to survive and get by on very little income when you begin your career. In fact, you may have to work as an “unpaid volunteer” for a short time.

But, if you really want to be a Baseball Scout, if you want to be part of a very small fraternity of hard-working “talent evaluators” (that’s what Baseball Scouts are), you’ll be willing to do what is necessary to succeed, even if it means that you have to “work for peanuts” to start.

Here are the simple steps you need to follow to “live the dream” and be a professional Baseball Scout for a big league team …

These Five Steps Can Help You To Become – A Skilled Baseball Scout

Follow these steps to “get your foot in the door” and learn everything you’ll have to do to become an important part of a Major League baseball organization. It all begins this way …


With the eye of a talent evaluator … because if you want to be a Baseball Scout you’re going to have to “think and act” like one. Close-up observation of games will also help you to re-kindle or revitalize your knowledge of the game and the strategies and mechanics that are critical to individual and team success.

It’s also important to pay close attention to the details that are a big part of baseball. That means that you have to remain alert and aware of such things as batting averages, pitching techniques, speed running the bases and more.

Why are such details relevant? They enable you to properly evaluate individual players.

Here is the next important step for you to take to become a Baseball Scout …


Because there is no substitute for “hands-on experience.” If you participate in baseball games or if you have played baseball in the past, you are much more likely to have a clear understanding of what it takes to be a good and productive player.

The value you get from having played baseball can’t be overstated. It is much better than any knowledge you may be able to acquire from simply watching other people play. And when you have that “first-hand” understanding, you are likely to be able to effectively evaluate and analyze prospects to determine if they are good enough to play baseball at the big league level.

Now, here is the next thing you need to do …


Yes, I’m talking about education, the knowledge you’ll get in a classroom. There are lots of courses available in most parts of the country that provide instruction which centers around learning what it takes to become a capable Baseball Scout.

Importantly, Major League Baseball has an “Official Scout” school, but it is available in only a few states so that it may not be a viable option for you. If that’s the case, you can go online for information about “scouting schools” and training programs that are in your state and easily accessible to you.

Here Are Two More “Key Steps” – You Need To Take To Become A Baseball Scout

If you’re still reading this article, you are a strong candidate to become a professional scout. You’ve shown that you’re willing to do whatever is needed to give yourself the tools necessary to evaluate baseball players for a Major League organization.

But, there is still more to do. Here is the next step …

You need to know what scouting is all about. The truth is that it is not a glamorous job. In fact, professional scouts seem to travel every week which means they are away from home and family for extended periods of time.

Scouts also awake early most mornings to attend workouts at the local ballpark. They work with a notepad and a radar gun. And they need good memories because the players they evaluate produce statistics that must always be part of a written report and player appraisal.

It’s tedious, often exhausting, work. But, for those that spend each night dreaming about baseball, scouting is a “labor of love.”

Finally, here’s one more very important step for you to take …


Scouts spend their time analyzing high school and college players. While they all play the same game, there is a difference in the evaluation process for scouts. That’s because college players have already received evaluation – when they were playing baseball in high school.

Current high school players are often being evaluated for the first time. As a result, a scout must be able to project a player’s skills much farther into the future.

It is one of the most important responsibilities a scout has because his decision can have a positive or negative impact on the major league team for which he works far into the future.

Here Are A Few More Things You Need To Know – And Do


If you follow the steps already noted above, you will have done much of what is necessary to become a professional scout. But, there is still a bit more that needs to be done. For example:

You need to find a “start-Up job” as an intern. More specifically, you need to become an Associate Scout. This is an unpaid job and the way most Baseball Scouts get their start in the industry. Generally, no experience is necessary for this position, but it offers you a great way to “get your feet wet” by acquiring hands-on experience.

These jobs can generally be found with a little online research. Or, you can visit a local team and ask for the job. Whichever way you choose to find a job, it will be your first big step on the road to becoming a salaried Baseball Scout.

Now, take this last step …

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